Revocation of Local Planning Policies

Published on Friday, 11 August 2023 at 1:56:33 PM

Notice is hereby given that the Shire of Capel has resolved to revoke the following Local Planning Policies, in accordance with the Planning and Development (Local Planning Schemes) Regulations 2015 Schedule 2 Part 2 Clause 6.


6.1 - Car Parking Requirements for Light Industrial Land Uses

6.3 - Home Occupations & Home Office

6.4 - More Than One Dwelling on a Rural Lot

6.5 - Subdivision of Rural Land

6.6 - Land Use Strategy

6.8 - Dalyellup Common Interest Area

6.9 - Ancillary Accommodation & Ancillary Dwellings

6.10 - Rural Tourist Accommodation

6.11 - Road and Reserve Names

6.12 - Visual Truncations

6.13 - Capel Townsite Strategy

6.14 - Capel Town Public Open Space Strategy

6.15 - Boyanup Townsite Strategy

6.16 - Boyanup Public Open Space Strategy

6.17 - Urban Landscape Strategy

6.18 - Capel Townsite Transport Study

6.19 - Highway Signage for Rural Tourism Activities and Services

6.20 - Capel Townsite District Water Management Strategy

6.21 - Peppermint Grove Beach Land Use Strategy

6.22 - Bed and Breakfast Accommodation

6.23 - Boyanup Transport Infrastructure Study

6.27 - Peppermint Grove Beach Detailed Area Plan

6.28 - Signs

6.29 - Heritage Places


Gordon MacMile

Chief Executive Officer


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