Litter & Illegal Dumping
Illegal dumping is deliberate littering in a variety of settings, including streets, parks, building site bins, vacant land, bushland, reserves, industrial and building sites and outside shops and median strips. Dumping rubbish anywhere other than an approved site is considered littering. The Shire can impose penalties.
What is littering?
- Rubbish including cigarettes
- Building rubbish, household rubbish or green waste placed on street verges, reserves or private property
- Dumped shopping trolleys
- Abandoned vehicles
- Improperly disposing of used syringes
- Rubbish thrown from a moving vehicle or by pedestrians
- Placing advertising materials on vehicle windscreens
If you witness a person illegally dumping and littering please call our Ranger Services Team on 08 9727 0222 to report the incident.
When witnessing illegal dumping, take note of:
- Date and time of the incident
- Type of vehicle and registration number
- Description of the person/s who have allegedly committed the offence
- Location it has taken place.
or by using the below QR Code:

Public Bins
Overfull public bins often create unsightly litter that damages our beautiful natural environment. Weather and animals can easily remove the overflowing waste from a bin.
The Shire of Capel maintains public bins in key locations around the Shire. Bins are provided for recreational use only. Using public bins for household or commercial waste is prohibited. Please do not overfill public place bins. Remember if it's not in the bin, it's littering!
If you see a bin that's overflowing or needs some other attention, please let us know.
Dog Poo Bags Dispensers
There is a legal obligation for dog owners to pick up after their dogs whilst in public areas. The Shire has provided dog poo bag dispensers on a number of public bins throughout the district.
The dog poo bags are only replenished when the bin is collected and the Shire does not provide any guarantee that the dispenser will always contain dog poo bags.
Dog poo bags are provided by the Shire to assist dog owners but it is their responsibility to ensure they always have dog poo bags on hand when walking their dog. Dog poo bags can also be purchased at retail outlets.