Local Planning Schemes

A Local Planning Scheme is the main tool for achieving a local government’s aims and objectives with respect to the development of its local area. Schemes deal mainly with land use, development control and infrastructure coordination, and are based on the strategic framework established in the supporting Local Planning Framework and State Planning Framework.

The Shire currently has two Local Planning Schemes in place:

  • Town Planning Scheme No.3 (TPS3) which relates only to the northern part of Gelorup and deals with the provision of land for future public use as reserves and with the coordinating infrastructure to support development
  • Local Planning Scheme No.8 (LPS8) which is a comprehensive, Shire-wide planning scheme dealing with local reserves, zones and development control.

The scheme maps out land zoning and reservations in line with the Local Planning Strategy.

Town Planning Scheme No.3 (PDF)/Profiles/capel/Assets/ClientData/Document-Centre/Planning/Town_Planning_Scheme_No_3_Gelorup_Text,pdf 

Local Planning Scheme 8 (PDF)/Profiles/capel/Assets/ClientData/Document-Centre/Planning/Capel_Scheme_8_Final_17072023,pdf

Local Planning Scheme No.8 Maps (PDF)/Profiles/capel/Assets/ClientData/Document-Centre/Planning/Shire_of_Capel_LPS8_Scheme_Maps_1-12_FINAL,pdf