A Local Planning Scheme is the main tool for achieving a local government’s aims and objectives with respect to the development of its local area. Schemes deal mainly with land use, development control and infrastructure coordination, and are based on the strategic framework established in the supporting Local Planning Framework and State Planning Framework.
The Shire currently has two Local Planning Schemes in place:
The scheme maps out land zoning and reservations in line with the Local Planning Strategy.
Town Planning Scheme No.3 (PDF)/Profiles/capel/Assets/ClientData/Document-Centre/Planning/Town_Planning_Scheme_No_3_Gelorup_Text,pdf Local Planning Scheme 8 (PDF)/Profiles/capel/Assets/ClientData/Document-Centre/Planning/Capel_Scheme_8_Final_17072023,pdf Local Planning Scheme No.8 Maps (PDF)/Profiles/capel/Assets/ClientData/Document-Centre/Planning/Shire_of_Capel_LPS8_Scheme_Maps_1-12_FINAL,pdf
Town Planning Scheme No.3 (PDF)/Profiles/capel/Assets/ClientData/Document-Centre/Planning/Town_Planning_Scheme_No_3_Gelorup_Text,pdf
Local Planning Scheme 8 (PDF)/Profiles/capel/Assets/ClientData/Document-Centre/Planning/Capel_Scheme_8_Final_17072023,pdf
Local Planning Scheme No.8 Maps (PDF)/Profiles/capel/Assets/ClientData/Document-Centre/Planning/Shire_of_Capel_LPS8_Scheme_Maps_1-12_FINAL,pdf
From time to time it is necessary to amend a Local Planning Scheme. Amendments can be prepared by the Shire or by a landowner. When a change is proposed or made it is referred to as a scheme amendment. Scheme amendments occur for a variety of different reasons.
Some of these reasons include:
Amendments should not be seen as a means of circumventing the existing requirements of the scheme, and appropriate planning justification must be submitted with a scheme amendment application.
Section 75 of the Planning and Development Act 2005 provides for local governments to amend a Local Planning Scheme. A scheme amendment becomes operative once published in the Government Gazette following approval by the Minister for Planning. The procedure for amending a Local Planning Scheme is set out in Planning and Development (Local Planning Schemes) Regulations 2015 (LPS Regulations).
The procedure generally involves the following sequential steps:
Scheme Amendment (Form 4)/Profiles/capel/Assets/ClientData/Document-Centre/Planning/Scheme_Amendment_Form,pdf