DAPs were created by the WAPC to enhance planning expertise in decision-making by improving the balance between technical advice and local knowledge for larger-scale developments. DAPs consist of three specialist members and two local government Councillors by Ministerial appointment.
When a DAP covers more than one municipality, it is referred to as a Joint Development Assessment Panel (JDAP). DAP regulations state that mandatory DAP applications cannot be determined by the local government or the Western Australian Planning Commission (WAPC).
What happens at a DAP meeting?
Meetings start once a quorum is achieved and the minute-taker is in attendance.
Formalities such as noting the minutes, absences, apologies and disclosures of interest are completed.
The presiding member then invites submitters' presentations to be made. DAP members then consider and discuss the responsible authority’s reports, and determine the applications by consensus or by majority vote.
The presiding member then reports to the panel on any applications to amend/cancel DAP approval and any SAT reviews.
Lastly, any general business is discussed and the meeting is closed.
Can I attend a DAP meeting?
DAP meetings are open to the public and often held at local government facilities, however there may be room capacity limits resulting from restrictions on gatherings due to COVID-19. DAP meetings are sometimes also conducted online, via Zoom.
How can I make a presentation at a DAP meeting?
When a DAP application is advertised under the local planning scheme and/or region schemes, submissions may be sent to the local government. Submitters may also wish to present at the DAP meeting.
Any submitter wishing to address the DAP must send a DAP presentation request form to the DAP Secretariat at least 72 hours before the meeting by email to daps@dplh.wa.gov.au.
The presentation request form is to be accompanied by a written document setting out the name of the person or representative of the group, the DAP application it relates to, and the substance of the submission the person or group proposes to make.
The presiding member has discretion over how many submissions may be received at the meeting. The
Current DAP Applications
Current Development Assessment Panel applications and information (www.wa.gov.au)
Item 5.1 - LOT 148 Skippings Road, Boyanup- Extractive Industry Development Proposal