Community Grants & Funding

Minor Community Grants SchemeCapel amphitheater, trees, grass area

Council considers requests for grants in July each year from local sporting clubs and other not for profit community organisations for the purpose of supporting projects, activities, purchases of durable equipment, and/or improving facilities or services which benefit the community. 

Council will consider a 2nd round of funding in January should the annual budget allocation not be expended.

Council has two Minor Community Grants Scheme categories:

  • Projects under $2,000- Applicants may request 50% of the total project cost to a maximum of $1,000 excluding GST.
  • Projects between $2,000 and $10,000- Applicants may request 1/3 of the total project cost to a maximum of $3,333 excluding GST.

    2024/2025 Minor Grants Application Form

    Minor Grants Application Form Guidelines

    Minor Community Grants Acquittal Form

    Community Budget Requests

    Every year the Shire of Capel provides an opportunity for the community to put forward requests to be considered during the Draft Annual Budget process.

    Requests are allowed for specific items, community projects, sponsorship ideas, new services or improvements to Shire buildings, assets, facilities, and services consistent with previous years. The Community Budget Request process is open for a four-week submission period following public advertising running from early 9 January and closing early February each year.

    Subject to the submissions received being endorsed by the Council in principle, the inclusion of each application will be considered as part of the Draft Budget process which will commence in March through to August each year.

    Community Budget Submission Application

    Last year, Boyanup Bowls Club were successful in there submission for a Community Budget Request. Council approved $26,212.00 towards the refurbishment project which included new flooring, cabinetry, electrical and plumbing.  

    five people stand around a kitchen bench smiling at the camera