Meet Our Young Leaders

Capel Youth Advisory Collective

Jarrah headshot


Jarrah is 15 years old and lives in Capel. He enjoys hanging out with friends and participating in the Kukerin Steel Challenge. Jarrah is also in the engineering specialist program at his school.

Shayne headshot


Shayne is 11 years old and lives in Capel. She likes animals and drawing. Shayne won the music and citizen awards and has MCd at the Fact or Faction event. She was also a student councilor in year 6 and a black shirt leader in year 5.


Mia Headshot


Mia has lived in Capel her whole life and been part of the Capel Youth group for 4 years. Mia likes to write and has MCd at the Fact or Faction event. Mia has also participated in a lot of leadership activities in primary school as faction captain, and recently attended the Capel Youth Leadership Camp.

Saoirse Headshot


Saoirse has been a part of the Capel YAC for 3 years. She was born in Ireland and has grown up in Australia since she was 4 years old. She is currently in year 9 within the Shire of Capel. She describes her personality as just “Harry Styles and Taylor Swift”.

Cameryn Headshot


Cameryn is a member of the Capel YAC who has been involved for 2 years. She is 13 and lives in Capel. Cameryn has two pets and two siblings.

Nyah Headshot


Nyah is one of our members of the Capel YAC who volunteers her time throughout the community at events. In her free time, she likes to play netball and hangout with her friends. Nyah is also the Act Belong Commit Winner for 2022 and attended the Capel Youth Leadership Camp



Dalyellup Youth Collective

Marchisha Headshot


Marcisha is a 13-year-old member of the Dalyellup Youth Collective. She loves playing basketball and has previous experience in the roles of Vice President and Treasurer of the group. Marcisha attended the Capel Youth Leadership Camp and assisted at the Capel Youth Fundraising Festival. 

Raegan Headshot


Raegan lives in Dalyellup and strives to improve her community. She volunteers at every chance she gets. Raegan is an artsy person who enjoys cleaning public areas, to see improvements. She supports all people and respect their wishes and choices.

Leena Headshot


Leena is funny, nice and friendly. She loves swimming. Leena has volunteered at the Capel Community Garden and enjoys participating at the events at Yallo. Leena has joined the Dalyellup Youth Collective to give to her community. 

Grace Headshot


Grace has lived in the Shire of Capel her whole life. She loves to help and has been volunteering for a while, mainly the Dalyellup Youth Collective and MCing at events. She has been president of the LDAG and have attended the Shire of Capel Outstanding Volunteers Breakfast. She also participates in the Primary Extension and Challenge program at school and attended the Capel Youth Leadership Camp. Grace is also faction captain at her school.

Madison Headshot


Madison has been a member of the Dalyellup Youth Collective for a year. She is in a specialist cricket program at school and enjoys fishing, walking her dog, and training her dog.

Aurora Headshot


Aurora lives in Dalyellup and has been part of the Dalyellup Youth Collective for over one year. She loves art and music and MC'd at the Sunset Youth Festival. Aurora also was involved in fundraising for Kids Undercover at the Capel Youth Fundraising Festival.

Neeve Headshot


Neeve has lived in Dalyellup her whole life. She loves being a part of the Dalyellup Youth Collective; It is really rewarding to be a part of the Collective because you help out around the community & being a part of special activities.


Need more information?

If you need any further information on any of the information or activities for Youth, please contact the Youth Community Development Officer at the Shire of Capel:

Phone: (08) 9727 0222 - during business hours

