South West Agribusiness Precinct

A prominent Agribusiness hub in the South West of Western Australia

The Shire of Capel is undertaking a strategic initiative to develop a new Agribusiness Precinct within the district. This precinct aims to attract investment, enhance economic diversification, and replace the existing cattle sale yards in Boyanup. The project is envisioned as a game-changer for the region, providing significant opportunities for agricultural value-add, job creation, and sustainable industry development.

  • Nationally significant agribusiness precinct that delivers substantial local jobs, economic diversification, and efficient supply and distribution chains.
  • Leading end-to-end multispecies red meat processing, opportunities for horticulture, dairy,mand other agricultural industries.
  • Producing high quality food and related goods with a focus on sustainability, circular economy, reducing and valorising waste, animal welfare and
    ecological conservation.
  • Strengthening the South West’s compelling brand for high-quality products, growing demand and connecting producers to new local, national and global markets.
  • Centre of innovation, research, and education that attracts and nurtures talent, that creates and sustains our future agribusiness workforce.