Annual Budget

A detailed financial plan for the coming year covering all aspects of Council’s operation.

2023-24 Annual Budget and Differential Rates

- Building a Sustainable Future for Capel

  • The Shire of Capel have adopted a balanced, break-even 2023-24 annual budget that ensures the Shire can deliver on the needs of a growing community and on the outcomes set out in endorsed Strategic Community Plan 2021-31.
  • Increases spending on maintaining existing assets (roads, paths, facilities, parks etc) to a fit-for-purpose standard.

The Shire of Capel’s 2023-24 budget has been adopted by Council, that is committed to building a sustainable future to deliver for the community. Just like our community, the Shire of Capel is operating in a challenging, high-cost environment, paying a lot more just to sustain current service levels.

graphical representation of the Shire, with buildings, trees, people, cars

The budget incorporates a modest increase in the rate in the dollar on average a 3.5 per cent for residential properties, with the minimum rate remaining at $1,430. The rating strategy was carefully considered to build a sustainable future to deliver for the community.

Shire President Doug Kitchen said, “We believe the Shire of Capel is the best place to live, work and play, so we pay close attention to making sure we live up to that promise for our community and businesses to remain the lifestyle of choice.

Council has a key focus as representatives of the community to minimise any rate increases this year yet continue to plan for the future in a sensible and sustainable approach in the current economic climate. The Shire is prioritising the maintenance and renewal programs of existing assets and infrastructure in 2023-24. Our focus remains on delivering improved infrastructure and facilities for our residents and businesses.”

Councillors have been involved in the entire budget design and rating strategy development process, participating in numerous key planning workshops.  These workshops have considered all areas of expenditure within the Shire and a range of scenarios.”

Draft Annual Budget 2024/2025 can be viewed HERE

Reflecting on the main 2023-24 Annual Budget outcomes; there are several key points to highlight. 

  1. Projects a break-even position for 2023-24
  2. Fully funds the 2023-2027 Corporate Business Plan’s projects and programs which includes $2m of new community based initiatives.
  3. Supports Community Budget Commitments of $50,000.00
  4. Funds Councillor Budget Commitments of $61,000.00.
  5. Identifies 1 new ‘Borrowing’ - Self Supporting Loan (SSL) for the construction of the new Gelorup Volunteer Bushfire Brigade facility.
  6. Funds Capital Works spends of $12,663,700.00 for both maintenance and renewal programs consisting of:
    • $4.5m on road upgrades and maintenance.
    • $1.3m on other civil works.
    • $4.2m on parks, gardens, reserves and buildings.
    • $2.8m on plant and equipment.

    The Shire's waste service charges are increasing for 2023-24, with no previous increases imposed on residents since 2017.  Rising costs in the waste industry such as, fuel, transportation, licencing and plant maintenance are the inflationary factors leading to the price increases.  The Shire has committed to reviewing waste services, in consultation with the community, to ensure value for money, service levels requirements and uptake/usage. 

    You can read the full Annual Budget 2023-2024 here:

    Annual Budget 2023-2024

    Fees & Charges 2023-2024

    Fees & Charges

    Waste Fees FAQ's

    Why is there a need for a change in how we handle waste?

    The previous 10-year contract for the collection, processing and disposal of waste (general waste, recycling and FOGO) for the Shire of Capel was completed on 30 June 2023. This required a new public tender to be completed and the execution of a new contract for these important services to continue.  A new contract has now been negotiated and will remain in place with Cleanaway for at least the next 7 years.

    The cost of providing waste services to the Capel community has increased significantly over past 5 years, meaning you will see this reflected in your fees and levies included with your rate’s notice.  How increasing costs will be recovered by the Shire into the future, will be considered by Council during each annual budget cycle.

    Why are the waste charges increasing?

    The increase in waste charges is necessary to address several crucial factors.  Firstly, the Shire waste fees and charges have not been increased since 2016/17. 

    During this time, waste management service costs have risen substantially due to inflation, increased operational expenses, insurances, transport, the costs of waste processing technologies and disposal.  Secondly, as the population grows, so does the volume of waste generated, meaning that the overall cost of providing waste service increases.

    Thirdly, Bunbury Harvey Regional Council (processing of FOGO waste) have significantly increased their charges for the last two years, and the Shire is also paying an additional cost for FOGO waste contamination.

    How was it covered previously?

    In recent years, the shortfall between the cost of delivering waste services and the actual cost has been subsidised by the Shire’s Waste Reserve. This Waste Reserve has been depleting, yet it will be required in the future for waste capital improvements and technology. For example,

    • Improvements at the Waste Transfer Station to meet increasing State Government compliance conditions.
    • Delivering an environmentally responsible and cost-effective service for the community.
    • Availing the Shire to participate in opportunities to deliver a more cost-effective service that may become available as a future south west regional solution.

    How will the raise in waste charges benefit the community?

    The increase in charges is expected to bring several benefits to the community including:

    • Improved Waste Management Services - With additional funds, waste management services can be enhanced leading to more efficient and reliable waste collection, processing and disposal options.
    • Higher recycling and reuse rates - Increased investment in education to boost recycling and reuse rates, reducing the overall environmental impact of waste disposal.
    • Cleaner Environment - By encouraging waste reduction and better waste management practices, the community can enjoy a cleaner and healthier environment now and into the future.
    • Meeting sustainability goals - Aligning with the Shire’s adopted Sustainability Framework and goals, contributing to a greener and more sustainable future.

    Will the increased charges lead to a better waste management system?

    Absolutely, the increased waste charges are essential for creating a sustainable waste management system that aligns with environmental standards. 

    With additional resources, the consideration of advanced waste processing methods, promoting recycling and reuse, efforts and investing in educational campaigns, all raise awareness about responsible waste disposal practices.

    Will the increased charges be a one-time adjustment or is it expected to rise continuously in the future?

    The intention is to meet the current waste management needs of the Capel community and ensuring long-term sustainability of providing the service.  While an increase is necessary now to address immediate requirements, a full and comprehensive review of the Shire’s waste management services, costs and fees will occur throughout 2023/24 and be reported back to Council by April 2024.  This information will assist Council with future decisions regarding costs and fees.

    The goal will allows be to maintain a fair and consistent pricing approach that supports efficient waste management best practices.

    How can residents contribute to waste reduction charges?

    Residents can actively participate in waste reduction efforts to mitigate the impact of increased costs.  We can work towards Reduce, Reuse and Recycle in our community. Simple actions like proper waste separation, recycling and reuse can collectively make a significant difference. 

    Specifically, each family or household can make the most difference by making sure waste goes in the correct bin every time. Community involvement, awareness and implementation are crucial to achieving sustainable waste management goals.

    Previous Annual Budgets:

    2022-23 Annual Budget Report