Beaches & Sharks
Shark Safety
All shark sightings need to be reported to the Water Police on 08 9442 8600.
Information regarding Shark Activity and Warnings can be found on the Shark Smart website, and on their available apps.
SharkSmart - Home

BEN Signs
BEN stands for Beach Emergency Number and they are available all throughout our Shires beaches. The BEN system is a unique coding system created to aid emergency response times.
These signs provide specific information vital to emergency services for Shark Sightings, attacks and other beach emergencies.
If there is no Ben Signs available you are encouraged to use the Emergency+ App.
You can visit the website for more information.
For more information and locations of BEN signs, visit:
Coastal Safety
Vehicles On Beaches
- There are only specific areas for licensed 4wd vehicles.
Trail Bikes
- There are no areas of public land within the Shire of Capel designated for trail bikes
- The use of trail bikes is prohibited on all beaches within the Shire
- Any contravention of this will result in infringements being issued.