Rates are a property tax collected by all local governments that contribute to the orderly running of your community and the delivery of services and facilities to the local district. They provide vital revenue needed to maintain Shire assets, and deliver programs, services and activities for the community.
One-third of the Shire of Capel's income comes from grants, fees and charges and helps make community infra-structure or long term projects a reality. Rates make up two-thirds of the Shire’s income and are calculated specifically to cover this operational gap.
We issue rates notice annually and payments provide services which include, but are not limited to:
How are my rates calculated?
The Shire applies a rate in the dollar that is multiplied by the valuation to obtain the rate amount for each property. For example, if the Gross Rental Value of a property is $17,000 and the Council rate in the dollar is set at 0.0750 cents, the rate bill would be $1,275. A Gross Rental Valuation (GRV) is applied generally in town sites and suburbs, and an Unimproved Valuation (UV) is applied in rural areas.
GRV represents the gross annual rental income that a property might reasonably expect to earn annually if it were rented. This amount is determined by Landgate or the Valuer General and is generally re-evaluated every three years.
What are Differential & Specified Area Rates?
We use differential rating to spread the rate burden equitably and at the same time maintain rates based on land zoning and land use.
The Council has adopted the following rate zone groups.
Zone Groups
- Zones 1-4 - Residential/Vacant and Urban Development/Vacant
Includes all residential zones (dwellings, home occupations and home offices)
- Zones 5 to 9 - Commercial, Town Centre, Light Industry and Special Use and Vacant (GRV)
Includes all properties/vacant land zoned Town Centre, Light Industry.
- Zones 10 & 11 - Rural and Land Use
Includes all properties valued as unimproved values, which includes those zoned Rural, Special Use, Railway, Public Purpose and Mining.
Includes all properties zoned Special Rural. The land use of these properties consists of Residential and Ancillary Residential
How is my property valued?
Property values are determined by independent professional valuers who are appointed by a council or by the State Valuer General. These valuers assess the market value of each property in line with guidelines laid down by the State Valuer General
Property values vary across a Local Government and over time. Valuations are used to help calculate the rates payable for each individual property. These are reflected in each property’s rate bill. Your property’s valuation will directly affect your rates. If your valuation increases, your rates will generally be higher.
How can I object against a valuation of my property?
Valuations of properties within the Shire have been supplied by Landgate – Valuation Services, which is the responsibility of the State Government. The Shire has no say in how your property is valued.
If you wish to object against a valuation, you must lodge your complaint with Landgate – Valuation Services within 42 days of receiving a Rate Assessment Notice. The lodgement of an objection does not alter your obligation to pay the full amount of rates by the due date specified on your Rate assessment notice.
How do I notify change of ownership of property?
It is essential to notify the Shire of your change of address or change of ownership in writing via email or mail whenever a change of details occurs. Under the provisions of the Local Government Act 1995, when a person (whether as principal or agent) sells or disposes of land, the owner/agent must advise the Shire in writing within 21 days of the change in ownership, giving full details of the purchaser.
To make the relevant changes, please email info@capel.wa.gov.au
What is the Emergency Services Levy?
The Emergency Services Levy (ESL) supports more than 26,000 fire and rescue, marine, and emergency services volunteers and funds over 1,600 firefighters. Department of Fire and Emergency Services (DFES) staff provide 24/7 fire and emergency assistance across WA.
Your ESL contribution is included within your local government rates notice.
To learn more about how your ESL is calculated, including information on the different ESL rates, limits and concessions, download:
ESL Flyer
or visit:
Why am I paying a Specified Area Rate (SAR)?
All properties in Dalyellup are levied a specified area rate to recover 50% of parks and gardens maintenance costs.
The quantity and quality of parks and gardens in this area are much higher than in the rest of the Shire. Half of the maintenance costs come from general rates and the rest from the beneficiaries (property owners).