Dog Information

All dogs must be registered and microchipped once they reach 3 months of age.
The registered owner of a dog must be at least 18 years old.
You can submit a registration form by email, or by popping into the Shire administration building and providing paperwork and payable fees.
- Fees are located on the second page of the Registration Form
- The Shire will notify you in October annually of expired registrations.
Dog Registration Form
Dog Registration Fees
Unsterilised Dog/Bitch
$50 (1 Year)
$120 (3 Years)
$250 (Lifetime)
Sterilised Dog/Bitch
$20 (1 Year)
$42.50 (3 Years)
$100 (Lifetime)
Guide Dog (GD)
No Fees Payable
Concessions Pensioner (P)
1 /2 of Registration Fee
Stock Dog (ST)
1 /4 of Registration Fee
Dangerous Dogs
Dangerous dogs can only be registered for one year and are required to have inspections at the time of registration.
There are no concessions for Dangerous Dogs.
If your dog has been declared dangerous,
You must adhere to the following conditions.
- Wear a muzzle when walking
- Have a containment area with a gap no larger than 2cm
- Other contingencies.
Responsible Dog Ownership
Make sure your dog:
- Is confined to your property
- Is registered and microchip details are up to date
- Does not cause a neighbourhood nuisance by barking
- Always supervise young children around dogs
- When in public keep your dog LEASHED and under effective control
- Consider fitting a muzzle if your dog is unsociable around people or other dogs
- Train your dog on appropriate behaviour
- Take your dogs for regular walks
- If you need more help, you can use an approved dog trainer.
Maximum Number of Dogs
The maximum number of dogs allowed without a permit is two.
To apply for a permit to keep more than two dogs submit an application form.
Keep extra dogs application
Barking Dogs
- Barking is a normal sound a dog uses to communicate
- Excessive barking is different
- Excessive barking is considered a nuisance when it is constant and continues over a prolonged period of time
- Excessive barking, particularly at night can become a neighbourhood nuisance.
Dogs do not bark without a reason. It can occur when the dog:
- Is excited or bored
- Has separation anxiety
- Feels threatened
- Is being protective.
In most cases, having a conversation with your neighbour will nip it in the bud, but if you aren’t comfortable chatting with them you can report it for an investigation to the Rangers.
Nuisance barking should be dealt with in the early stages. Prolonged barking can become habitual and is difficult and time-consuming to correct.
Information on how to handle nuisance barking is available on the RSPCA website.
Contact Shire Rangers if you are experiencing problems with nuisance barking.
Impounded Dogs
You can view our current impounded animals via the link below:
Impounded Pets
Dog Parks
The Shire has many dog parks for usage.
There are rules when you use our parks, including having ‘effective’ control of your dog.
Effective control means your dog:
- Responds to command
- Not jump on other park users
- Not show signs of aggression
- Be able to restrain
- Always in sight of the owner
- Must not use if a suspected case of parvovirus.
Prohibited Areas
There are areas within the Shire, that for the safety of users and respect to all community members dogs are not allowed. These include:
- Cemeteries
- Children Playgrounds
- Shire Depot
- National Parks
- Public Buildings
- Dogs must remain in the vehicle at all times when at the Waste Transfer Station.