When asbestos-containing materials are left undisturbed they are relatively harmless, however, if the material is damaged or disturbed it may release fibres into the air which can be dangerous to health.
Care needs to be taken not to damage existing intact asbestos in your home. Cutting, drilling, sanding, sawing, grinding, breaking or the use of high-pressure water cleaning may disperse fibres into the air which can be dangerous if inhaled into the lungs.
The safest way to remove asbestos is to hire a licensed asbestos removalist.
Should a homeowner wish to remove a small quantity (less than 10m²) or carry out minor home maintenance in a dwelling that may potentially contain asbestos it is essential to:
- Take measures to prevent fibres from entering the atmosphere
- Ensure that you are using the correct protective gear
- Carry out proper site clean-up on completion
- Dispose of asbestos only to a landfill or waste disposal site that is licenced to take asbestos - contact them prior for advice on how to wrap and transport the material.
There are large fines ($10 000) under the Health (Asbestos) Regulations 1992 applicable for handling or disposing of asbestos without taking reasonable measures to prevent asbestos fibres from entering the atmosphere. |
For further information and advice please see the links below or contact one of the Shire’s environmental health officers.
Asbestos – maintenance, removal and renovations at home
- Find a licenced asbestos removalist
Find a licensed asbestos removalist
- Find a waste disposal site licenced to take asbestos
Controlled waste Information
About asbestos
- Asbestos in the workplace
Department of Commerce -WorkSafe

Health Check your wood heater.
One smoky chimney can affect the air quality of an entire neighbourhood and exposure to wood smoke can trigger respiratory conditions.
The BurnWise program promotes the efficient operation of domestic wood heaters to minimise smoke emissions into the air.
A correctly operated wood heater should not produce visible smoke, except for a short time on lighting.
- Start your fire with dry kindling and the air intake fully open
- Burn dry seasoned firewood—never burn green, wet or treated firewood
- Always operate your wood heater with the air intake open, even overnight
- Keep your wood heater burning brightly.
Downloadable information brochures are available on the link below

Mould may grow in homes when conditions are damp, dark and poorly ventilated. Once the cause of the excess moisture encouraging mould growth has been rectified the mould can then be removed.
See the Department of Health WA provide link below for further information and advice.
Mould and dampness
If you are renting a property that has a mould problem, your rental agent should be the first contact.
If you need help Tenancy WA: 1800 621 888 may be able to assist you.
The Environmental Protection (Noise) Regulations 1997 specify the allowed decibel levels depending on the day, time and type of premises receiving the noise.
For residential premises, the regulations ensure acceptable levels are met, with flexibility to allow normal activities to occur.
For a better understanding of these regulations, please view our Noise Information Sheet Here:
Noise Information Sheet.
To make a noise complaint, please Email the completed Noise Complaint Form
to or by post or in person to the Shire offices.