Newly Refurbished Dalyellup Surf Club Beach Toilets already struck by Vandalsim

Published on Monday, 22 July 2024 at 3:00:04 PM

It's disappointing to report that our Dalyellup Surf Club Beach toilet block facilities were targeted by vandalism over the weekend.
Both the male and female toilets were extensively vandalised with graffiti and damage. This is particularly disheartening as the toilet block had only recently reopened after undergoing renovations just 3 weeks ago.
Vandalism is a regrettable social phenomenon, not only does it make our community members feel unsafe but it also results in a significant cost to ratepayers for replacement and repair works.
The Shire’s Facilities Team has already mobilised to carry out the necessary repairs, and we anticipate that the repairs will be fully complete in the next 3-4 days.
We urge anyone who has witnessed this behaviour or can identify any of the graffiti tags to report them to the Police on 131 444, or contact Crimestoppers on 1800 333 000.
Your vigilance and assistance in preserving community property is greatly appreciated.