Update on Burnover Incident in Elgin on Tuesday 7 January

Published on Wednesday, 8 January 2025 at 10:52:10 AM

Yesterday the Shire of Capel Bush Fire volunteers responded to a fire that was started by harvesting operations in Elgin at 11.26am that morning.


A coordinated response by Bush Fire Brigade volunteers from the Shire of Capel and City of Busselton, as well as support from Volunteer Fire and Rescue from Bunbury and Donnybrook and the Department of Fire and Emergency Services, was mobilised to the fire.


At around midday one of the light tankers was involved in a ‘burnover’ in which two crew of the appliance were impacted.  One firefighter received burns and was conveyed to hospital for treatment whilst the second firefighter did not receive any obvious injuries but was still examined by medical professionals.


The fire was approximately 70Ha in size and was declared contained and controlled at 2.58pm.


This incident reminds us all of the valuable service provided by our volunteers and we will continue to support the affected firefighters and their families during this time, as well as all volunteers that offer their time to train and respond to Bushfires to keep our community safe.


I would also like to encourage everyone to download the emergency WA App recently released to keep informed of any fires in the area and to ensure your family has a Bushfire Plan  


Chris Scott AFSM

Chief Bush Fire Control Officer

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