Shire of Capel Takes Major Step Forward on Dalyellup Multipurpose Community and Youth Centre

Published on Friday, 22 November 2024 at 11:34:06 AM

The Shire of Capel is thrilled to announce that local company Perkins Builders, has been appointed for the construction of the new Dalyellup Multipurpose Community and Youth Centre (DMCYC).


The Dalyellup Multipurpose Community and Youth Centre will serve a broad range of community functions, with dedicated spaces for youth, digital technology and innovation, community events; a library and learning centre, visitor and community servicing.


The DMCYC will serve as a dynamic hub, seamlessly integrating Shire services and community initiatives. The 1,802sqm centre is set to deliver:

  • Library and Learning: The library will be a modern and contemporary learning area, with dynamic furniture and zones being created within a larger space to allow for a variety of flexible functions. encompassing a retreat room, two meeting rooms, library and early learning, and workroom. This will also deliver on a long promise to provide a permanent home for the library in Dalyellup.
  • Technology and Creativity Hub: the Hub will incorporate cutting edge innovation, creativity and digital technology. The Hub will provide opportunities to enthusiasts to enjoy gaming, robotics, digital creative art, software development, music and sound recording and online training and certification. Programs will be offered for the pure enthusiast, for those looking to establish a career or business or to advance an existing enterprise.
  • Youth Hub: a flexible and dynamic space that will provide a range of youth programs and services; the area also connects with the adjacent Youth Precinct (skate park, pump track and nature play area). The Shire of Capel has more youth on average than the State and National averages, with most youth located in Dalyellup. The DMCYC will compliment existing Shire youth services and enable greater opportunities.
  • Function, Community Meeting & Amenities Space(s): Containing a foyer gallery, meeting rooms, kitchen, store facilities and public amenities for catering to all community and regional functions. External access and secured internal doors will allow functional access to certain areas of the building. This will enable outdoor functions when the DMCYC might not be open to the public and to create a versatile indoor / outdoor space.
  • Community and Visitor Services: Shire services and tourist information will be provided to the local community and those visiting to experience the districts amazing attractions.
  • Surrounding Community Precinct: The DMCYC will be cornerstone and final piece of the puzzle that connects the entire precinct and other key elements – skate park, pump track and nature play area though to the Dalyellup town centre.

Shire President Doug Kitchen said, “Council is pleased to see the DMCYC progressing with a trusted local builder. Working with a Southwest-based company ensures local economic benefits and a high-quality outcome that will meet our community’s needs for years to come.”


He continues to highlight the project’s community importance, saying, “This facility has been earmarked for the community for many years. The project became reality with the fantastic funding support from the State Government, Lotterywest and the Shire I’m sure the to the local community will see the DMCYC has been worth the wait”.


“This new centre will become a jewel for Dalyellup, the entire Local Government and the broader South West region; supporting our growing community’s and regional needs by providing essential spaces for youth programs, technology, creativity, and social interaction.”


The project has a projected total of $13,860,800, marking a significant step toward delivering a vital community hub for Dalyellup, the district and wider region. Earlier this year, the project received a $1.01 million boost, on top of previously invested $8 million, by the State Government through the Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries, and $1.9 million from LotteryWest.


Construction is set to begin soon with first signs of progress on site before Christmas, with main construction commencing early in the 2025 with completion due for mid 2026.

four men standing on site with flags in the background

 In attendance was (L-R) Derek Wilkes,  General Manager South West Perkins Builders,  Shire President Doug Kitchen, Hon Don Punch MLA, Gordon MacMile, CEO Shire of Capel.


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