Published on Thursday, 26 October 2023 at 9:31:24 AM
Another chapter in the Shire of Capel Council began last night, with the Swearing-In Ceremony, officiating Elected Members in their new role on Council.
After the 2023 Local Government Election, Capel Council welcomes two new faces; Cr Terri Sharp and Cr John Fergusson. Cr Kieran Noonan and Cr Rosina Mogg were sworn in for their second term, with Cr Sebastian Schiano beginning his third term on Council. All five Councillors have
been elected on a four-year term concluding in 2027. They join Cr Ashley Dillon, Cr Peter McCleery and Cr Christine Terrantroy.
At last night's Ordinary Council Meeting, the newly formed Council re-elected Cr Doug Kitchen as President, and Cr Sebastian Schiano was voted in as Deputy President, meaning they will continue for another two years in these roles.
The ceremony required each elected Councillor to make a declaration, committing to serving their community with integrity and dedication.
Council extended their thanks to exiting Councillor Kaara Andrew for her dedication over the past term.
Congratulations Councillors!
Image description: pictured left to right are President Doug Kitchen, Cr Rosina Mogg, Cr Ashley Dillon, Cr Christine Terrantroy, Cr Peter McCleery, Deputy President Sebastian Schiano, Cr Terri Sharp, Cr John Fergusson and Cr Kieran Noonan posing together in the Capel Library.
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