Fully Deregulated Retail Trading Hours

Published on Friday, 1 September 2023 at 4:05:24 PM

The Shire of Capel is focussed the improving economic sustainability and prosperity; allowing existing businesses to operate more freely and creating an environment that encourages new businesses to establish within the District.


A major step forward has occurred with the gazettal of fully deregulated retail trading hours.  From Saturday, 2 September 2023 General Retail shops within the Shire of Capel can trade Monday to Sunday, midnight to midnight.


Small Retail Shops were already able to trade 24/7. This means that all shops (general, small and specialty) and businesses can operate / trade on any day and at any time.


The only exception to full deregulation occurs for Christmas Day, Good Friday, and Anzac Day.


Earlier this year, the Shire of Capel wrote to the Hon Sue Ellery MLC Minister for Finance; Commerce; Women’s Interests to apply for the full deregulation of retail trading hours within our Local Government area. The application was made by the Shire, following a comprehensive business and community engagement process.


During the engagement process, the Shire found that restrictive retail trading hour regulation prevented some retailers from trading during specified hours, on specified days or in specific locations. The previous restrictions were also limiting potential new businesses from establishing in the District.


Such regulation also reduced retail competition because only specified retailers were affected, discriminating in favour of non-regulated retailers, including online retailers.


Shire President Doug Kitchen said, “The community told us through the consultation process that they wanted to shop at times that were convenient to their family and with flexibility. Businesses wanted to able to make their own decisions about when to trade, at times that were suitable to them and their customers.


The option to open earlier and close later also increases the opportunity for more localised employment, especially our young people.


We are excited about what our current businesses may now offer and what businesses may now consider operating within the Shire of Capel. It will also be great to see the benefits to local employment”.


The deregulation of Retail Trading Hours in the Shire of Capel brings the District in line with the City of Bunbury and the Shire of Dardanup. 


Doug Kitchen

Shire President


Gordon MacMile

Chief Executive Officer




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