Tender 24-07 Design and Install of Shade Sail Structures

Published on Wednesday, 10 July 2024 at 10:33:39 AM

The Shire of Capel is seeking tenders from suitably qualified contractors for the design and installation of shade sail structures across various sites within the Shire.


A copy of the tender document must be obtained by registering your details via the Shire of Capel e-tendering portal website: https://portal.tenderlink.com/capel

Tender responses must be submitted electronically via the Shire of Capel e-tendering portal website no later than: 2.00pm (AWST), Wednesday 31st July 2024.

Tenders submitted by facsimile or e-mail, as well as tenders submitted by hand or post will not be accepted for evaluation, the lowest or any response will not necessarily be accepted.

Canvassing of any Shire of Capel Councillors or Officers will disqualify tenderers from the evaluation process.


Gordon MacMile