Our aim is to promote, develop and support all businesses within and businesses who trade within the Shire of Capel. We also support community groups. The Capel Chamber of Commerce provides a voice for businesses and act as a conduit for information and advocacy. The Chamber works with the Shire of Capel but is not governed by the Shire. Considerable support is available through and for the Chamber due to connections with state bodies like the Chamber of Commerce & Industry WA (CCIWA), Regional Chamber of Commerce and Industry WA (RCCIWA), and Small Business Development Corporation (SBDC). The Chamber is also affiliated with other regional Chambers like the Bunbury Geographe Chamber of Commerce and Industry (BGCCI).
Regions represented: Townsites of Capel and Boyanup; Regions of Capel River, Dalyellup, Elgin, Forest Beach, Gelorup, Gwindinup, Ludlow, North Boyanup, Peppermint Grove Beach, Stirling Estate, Stratham, and The Plains.